Dream Bigger, Let No One Stand in Your Way

When it comes to achieving goals, you always want to dream bigger. Make the goal something that you have to stretch yourself in your capabilities in order to achieve it. However, even more important is to never let anyone stand in your way while you are creating your dreams. My goal of this article is meant to get you to dream bigger, as well as share how I am taking the next steps to do just that. In addition, I am sharing my own Dream Bigger goals! This is a never-ending opportunity, because when you achieve your dreams, you keep dreaming of more. And each time you need to Dream Bigger.

Honeymoon’s Not Over!

David and I have always proclaimed that “The Honeymoon’s Not Over” because we haven’t gone on one yet. LOL! When we do head out, we want it to be memorable, but also we want to do it debt free. We love touring the countryside, and prefer traveling over the road to see the sites and scenery versus the stress of flying. We like to be in control of our agenda. As we have been reflecting back on trips we took as a family, there were many times we wish we could have slowed down. Stop and smell the roses sort of thing. Planning this trip out, we also want to be able to take our dogs with. They are family and leaving them behind is just not an option.

Dream Bigger, Do What Others Say Can’t Be Done

dream bigger

I have been an online marketer now for 6 years, however I have dreamt for over 20 years of being successful in my own business. Initially my dream was just to meet our budget and reduce our stress of paying bills. Looking back, I did just that. We survived, just barely. The goals and dreams my husband and I have set for ourselves over the past 30 plus years of our marriage were truly achievable, but they didn’t really stretch us to grow. In some ways they cramped us, restricted us, kept our goals smaller scale.

I also was met multiple times with very negative reactions from those who kept telling me this couldn’t be done. Family, friends, co-workers, management. You wouldn’t support me in my drive to achieve my dreams, didn’t want to know what I did. Oh and if you are one of them reading this right now? No worries, we are good. You see, I control my dreams. Not you. I no longer give control to others when it is my life. Many of you laughed at me, but here we are almost 5 years later and I have Time Freedom. What I do or schedule during the day is under my control. Where are you at? Still at the same 9-5 job, working 40 hours/week? And me? Well, I am one of our top instructors at RRR247. I am a Leader (that’s something I was told by an MLMer that I would never achieve!).

Start Your Dream Bigger from the Beginning

When we first got married, we didn’t go on a honeymoon, and now 30 plus years later, we still haven’t gone on an official honeymoon. Why? Well, we truly never set it as a goal. Pure and simple. But I am realigning my goals to be more for me and my husband. The boys are adults and living their lives. The only thing standing in our way is putting it in writing what we want to do. So now that I want it as part of my goals, I am going to dream bigger. I don’t want to just go to the north shore of MN like my parents did back in 1962. Additionally I don’t want to do what others do and take a week to go sit at a resort.

So what do I want? What does my husband want? We want to indulge in ourselves as a priority. We always march to our own drum beat, have gone against the grain. Even when it seems like we do things to just keep everything kosher and calm, deep down we are looking to change it up. Keep reading and you will see what we are writing down as we continue to Dream Bigger.

Tips for Achieving Bigger Dream Goals

No matter what we decide to do, we now want to keep making our dreams bigger and better than the previous ones. There are 6 basic steps you can take to help yourself Dream Bigger.

1. Develop your Belief in yourself.

Connect with people who are doing what you want to be doing. Making the income or achieving the Dreams you want. They will become your mentors, either directly or indirectly. If you have people whispering in your ear, behind your back or straight to your face that you cannot do what you dream to do, walk away. Get a new circle of friends who will offer support and encouragement as well as offer you their belief in you. It’s a mindset. Let’s get it on the right way and start building your belief.

I personally struggled with this first step. I did not have a strong belief in myself. For as long as I remember, others have always shook their heads at me, telling me my ideas were dumb, I was dumb. Even when I achieved great accomplishments that most never do, they were downplayed. So, how did I develop a stronger belief? It’s all because of my mentor and friend, Rory. He told me when I wanted to quit that he saw something special in me, he Believed in me. This is why I am who I am today, why I continue to push forward with my dreams. Believe me when I say that Dream Bigger truly means something to me, even in baby steps.

2. Fail Forward.

Do not Quit. Get outside your box. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. You may fail. You just do not quit. The most successful people do fail. 9 times out of 10, while on their journey, they sucked at something. No one always wins. Let’s look at a few people who “have it all”. If you look close into their lives, you will see that they did have failures, but they never let it crush their goals, their dreams. It is time to face your Fears of Failing.

I have done multiple Network Marketing opportunities, starting in 1998. Never was really a success in them…until now. I may have changed my pathways multiple times, but I keep moving forward. I see the vision of what we can have with Time Freedom and Financial Freedom. You can scoff all you want at all the years I have spent doing MLM’s, but how many employers have you had? I have been here almost 5 years now, 2.5 years truly owning my time. I make my own schedule. No one requires me to get authorization for doing what I do. Looking back, I was failing forward, but I never once quit.

3. Face Your Fear of Success.

We often think we don’t pursue big dreams because we’re afraid of failure. Now you are saying to yourself – Oh no, not me!! Bet! You literally think as soon as you get a raise – How many of us have said, this probably puts me in the higher tax bracket. You need to stop! Do You realize you are throwing blocks down on your dreams. When you “Get” to pay more taxes, it is because you are making more money!

For me facing my fear of Success was more about still not being “good enough”. No matter what I do, I put a stigma on myself that it won’t be good enough. I am working hard to stop that. I am gaining confidence in what I do. Waiting for reassurance that I am doing things correctly is diminishing. I just do it. Remember, I fail forward.

4. Use Your Imagination.

Remember when we were children and we had such glorious dreams!? You wanted to be a doctor, police officer, fireman. Things were so simple and colorful for us then. However we always had well meaning adults cutting us down, telling us to pull our heads out of the clouds. That reality was different. Well, why does it have to be that way? Why can’t we set a plan into action and go for those childhood dreams? I mean, if we still want them. But more over, why can we not set new dreams for who we are now and where we want to be in a year, 5 years, even 10 years from now?

Time to Dream Bigger! Hmmm, where to begin…

Take a 3-4 week Cross Country trip as our honeymoon, one that should have taken place in 1991. Travelling in an RV. I see us in a 35-40 foot motorhome. Something similar to this. We will want a King Bed, larger bathroom, full kitchen and room for the dogs to lay on the floor. Self leveling is a must, and for fuel efficiency and handling mountain roads, diesel.

I want to be able to tow a vehicle behind us so that when we do park, we can go tour the sites in the area and more easily visit any family and friends. I want a set up so that no matter where I am, I am always connected to the internet. Even while David is driving down the road, I can be building my business; helping others build theirs by teaching them to do what I do and get what I get. It is what I did to get where I am, I do what Rory does so I can expect to get what Rory gets.

5. Find Meaning.

Make sure you the Dreams and Goals you are writing down and planning for have a meaning to you. It ties back into finding your why. Why do you want this to occur? If it doesn’t tug at you or hit the pit of your stomach thinking about it; or cause butterflies of excitement to flare up, do you really want it as a Dream? Remember, we are challenging you to dream bigger.

The meaning for us to take a trip such as this is we do not get a lot of time together yet. Being able to get away and travel the country together will give us what we’ve wanted. Traveling like this will also allow me to still enjoy my business, growing it as we go. It will allow David time to relax and slow down. Best of all worlds.

6. Enjoy the Process.

The key to all this is to write it down. I don’t care if you put it in a notebook, a planner, dreamboard or post-it notes. Write. It. Down. Are you feeling # 2 or #3, where what if you write it down and it doesn’t happen. What if it does?

We have a purple journal that the cover says “If you can Dream it, you can do it” by Walt Disney. Who better to give us the permission to dream bigger, but the man who makes dreams come true to so many with his Theme Parks? Time to get the Atlas out and draw a route. Search the internet for must see places. Planning, writing, finding pictures of places we want to go.

What are we doing to Dream Bigger?

So let’s have some fun with dreaming bigger. Putting it down on this page for others to read is causing some churning in my stomach. Am I fearful? You betcha! But it is also very exciting!

I am grabbing 3 important items necessary to dream this dream bigger: 1) pen; 2) That Purple Journal; and 3) The Atlas. I want to not only figure out where to go, but I want to make sure I figure out our budget. Now why do that? Well, if I don’t know how much it costs, I cannot figure out what I am going to do to achieve it. Right?

Next, going to set aside time with my husband and we are going to do this together! Dreams are meant to be shared.

Finding Our Why For Dreaming Bigger

When your why has the emotional backing of tears, you will remain in the commitment to achieve it. Read my article on Finding My Why to see why your why needs to make you cry.

Many have asked me why I wanted to work from home. There is a risk of loss of income, but there is a greater risk of gain, not just in income, but in self, in serving others, in making the world a better place. I want to work from home so I have better time freedom to do the things we want to do when we want to do it. When you have a J.O.B., you have to get permission from your boss to take time away. And at most, you can only be gone for a week or two. When you are wanting to plan a dream vacation, you don’t want to rush it.

I Am Going to be a Multi-Millionaire

dream bigger become a top online marketer

I want to also be able to break through the income ceiling. With multiple streams of income, I get to do just that! When have you heard of a common man becoming a millionaire by just working 40 hours a week for 40 years? Let’s do the math as to how much per hour one will need to make in order to be considered a millionaire.

First, we need to take into consideration that there are 52 weeks in a year. At 40 hours per week, that is 2080 hours. Now multiply that by 40 years and you get a total of 83,200 hours. If you only want to make a million dollars after 40 years of hard work, without considering the costs of a roof over your head, food in your belly, and Uncle Sam taking a good chunk of it; a person needs to be paid $12.02 per hour. However that isn’t a good reality and do you really want to wait 40 years to say you are a millionaire?

On average, it is said that it takes 5-7 years for an entrepreneur to fail forward and make their first million dollars. So let’s be conservative and say it will take you 7 years at a job to become a millionaire – that means someone needs to make $68.68/hour. And it doesn’t take into account your house, food, Uncle Sam or any fun trips, a car being paid for!

Millionaires Have Multiple Streams of Income

Millionaires and multi-millionaires stay busy with multiple streams of income. Always keeping an open mind about opportunities. Weighing risks. I do not know of anyone who became a millionaire working decades at a job. Even corporate executives are on call 24 hours/day, they still have to get permission to take a day off. I like the flexibility, freedom and opportunity to be me. To own my own time. I love learning new things and putting them into action. Additionally, I love helping others. Being able to put my family first is a priority; and for 3 years my mother-in-law was with us 24/7, 6 months a year. If I still had a job, she would not have had that additional freedom. We would not have moved 1500 miles from Minnesota to South Texas. I would still be shoveling snow, driving on ice and be completely stressed at work.

RRR247 Shows Us How To Dream Bigger

Our system takes teamwork, dedication, encourages personal growth, and as a priority Servant Leadership. This is stable, it’s been in development and growth for over 16 years and I’ve been here since Oct 2017. I was able to walk away from that job of 27 years and take control of my life in May 2020 – Yes, during the pandemic. My schedule that I set? It is mine to set. I truly feel like I am contributing to the greater good of similar minded people. It just seems logical to me.

Bigger Dreams, Make a Plan, Take Action

So now that I am putting into action to Dream Bigger, I am open to learning more about growing myself with personal development and manifestations. Starting with this work from home opportunity, I do what I do because I want to keep Dreaming Bigger dreams. I love what I do as an online marketer. Getting to try different products, sharing them with others who are looking for them. This includes helping others Dream Bigger. Paying it forward because of the opportunity that I have been given to be more.

I am also pouring into myself with Personal Development, Meditation and Manifestations. If you are reading this because you read my page on Writing Down your Dreams, you are perhaps wanting to know what my current 20-word Manifestation is. Here you go:

Thank you Lord, I am grateful for being debt-free, our home selling quickly at a fair price, and for all I have and all I am about to receive.

My Closing Words for Each of You

In conclusion, my hope for you , because you have taken this time to read my page this far, is that you are inspired to Dream Bigger. Just imagine how you will feel when you can truly see yourself achieving every single dream. Dream it. Believe it. Do it.

If you are open to learning about different streams of income and enhance your journey of creating your Bigger Dreams, let me know today. I also have more information you can learn about what we have here.

And as always, We are available for contact regarding this; as well as anything on this Community Information System. See how by clicking here.