Writing Down Your Dreams

As I sit here creating this page about Writing Down Your Dreams, I cannot help but think of all the dreams I didn’t achieve because I kept them to myself. Is it too late for me to start now? Things can seem so hopeless, why bother. Are my dreams too dumb and a waste of time? I’m a realist and whatever happens will happen. Does this sound like you? If you want to see the benefits of writing down your dreams, keep reading!

This morning as I do every morning, I start with looking for some morning motivation. Today was no different and as I was scanning through YouTube, I came across something that I have seen before. 20 Word Manifestation. When you see the different videos about it, they all want you to pay to know more. Why does it have to be a secret? Anyways, as I was scanning and listening to a few of the videos, a few of the comments caught my eye as they refer to the Bible. Huh. I do a daily Bible Plan or two each morning, but I haven’t ever gone looking specifically for manifestation. As you continue reading here, you will understand why I went down this squirrel hole….all day.

Benefits of Writing Down Your Dreams: Goal-Setting

In recent times, the act of writing down your dreams or goals shows many benefits. There is even a goal-setting theory that states it is a tactic that involves setting specific and measurable goals to improve productivity. Most times it happens in the workplace to inspire employees to increase their output. However, we can apply it to our everyday life. Think of it as a roadmap and your life journey is the trip of a lifetime. If you don’t know where you want to go, how can we plan to get there?

Here are some benefits I’ve come up with when you are writing down your dreams and truly doing Goal-Setting:

  1. It’s a Daily Reminder of what you want
  2. It Makes it more Real
  3. Keeps your Motivation for achieving it Higher
  4. Helps to Keep your Focus
  5. You are more likely to Achieve your Goals
  6. More likely to express Gratitude for what you do have

Now I am sure you will come up with other benefits and that is great! Basically you cannot go wrong with writing down your dreams.

How to Start Writing Down Your Dreams

3 Main Components of Goal Setting Theory

Let’s take a look at the 3 main components of the Goal-Setting Theory as it will assist you as you think about your own Dreams and Goals.

  • Motivation – This is a must have when setting a goal. What is your motivation to achieving something? What is your Why?
  • Commitment – When times get tough, do you keep your commitment or do you turn tail and run?
  • Self-regulation – What action steps are you taking to achieve your goal? Keeping discipline and persistence will help you get there.

By keeping your motivation high, your commitment strong and staying persistent your goals will be within reach more quickly. But like pieces of a foundation for a house, if you are missing even one, you will crumble.

4 P’s of Goal Setting

When setting your goals, remember these key items:

  • Positve – Goals are more fun when they are positive, both in the process of achieving them as well as the end result.
  • Personal – You also want your goals to have more meaning to you, by doing so, your 3 components of that goal stay together like glue.
  • Possible – Keep the goals attainable. While it’s amazing to set an uncomfortable goal to stretch and grow you, if you have it too far up, you will lose motivation more quickly. The great thing is, once you reach a Possible Goal, you can then set the bar higher!
  • Prioritized – You really need to keep your focus on your end goal. If you lose the focus, your priority to actually achieve it will disappear.

This is where you can benefit the most of writing down your goals as you will have a record of what you want to achieve. Read it daily, use sticky notes or even write it on your mirror in your bathroom so you can look at yourself as you read it.

Wake Up and Write Down Your Dreams!

The best time of day to write down your dreams is first thing in the morning. Your brain is uncluttered, the day hasn’t started filling you with distractions. Additionally, you may even have a bit of recall of things you dreamt in your sleep.

So when you open your eyes in the morning grab a notebook, journal, even a plain piece of paper. We need to write down those dreams of yours as your heart wants. Be very clear in what you are seeking. This is starting your manifestation and meditation for the day.

20 Word Manifestation

Benefits of Writing Down Your Dreams straight from the bible with Habakkuk 2, verse 2.

Writing down what we want goes back thousands of years. People are now talking about a 20 word manifestation online. Many are even charging money for it. The verse itself that many believe they are referring to is NLT: Habakkuk 2, verse 2: “Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others”. Go ahead, Google it, just don’t pay for it.

Every Personal Growth Mentor, Motivational Speaker, and in general, anyone with any sort of success has always said put your Goals, put your Dreams in Writing. We have done Dream boards, Vision boards, Goal setting, Goal planning; all of it requires your words to be in writing! Why put it in writing? Why not just keep it locked up inside? There are risks to letting others know your dreams. They may criticize you, tell you they are unrealistic. However, look at those who are telling you that. Are they succeeding in life or are they just trying to keep you back with them?

Sometimes it’s a Good Thing We Go Down those Squirrel Holes

Back to today, I saw on Social Media about a 20 word quote for manifesting. It was a video I am sure many of us have seen telling us to Learn More now and pay money to get this 20 word quote. While I did not fall into that clickbait, I did go down a proverbial squirrel hole. I went to Google. Found many videos and statements and they all were saying similar things about this being a verse in the bible. So I went to my bible app and typed in what they were saying. Up popped Habakkuk 2:2.

Finding the Logic of it all is sometimes not Logical at all

Now I am not going to get all Bible thumping and spew words every where, but common sense tells me that there is logic in many of the verses in the Bible. Almost every verse can apply to every day life situations. I am not someone who can sit and recite verses in the bible, but I do enjoy reading different scriptures in the bible. Sometimes it is a Bible Study Plan, other times it’s words that continuously speak to me and appear in my daily life. Kind of like when certain numbers continuously pop up and you find it to be a coincidence. I learned long ago that when I see the number 2, or more importantly 22, 2:2, or a combination of where two 2’s appear, I need to pay attention. Why 2? My birthday is Feb 2.

Living for Me

Now, how did this get me going this morning? Why today of all days? I don’t usually question the Who, What, When, How or Why; I just base it on my intuition I guess. Some of you may be shaking your head right now thinking “She’s Lost it”, and that’s okay. I’m kind of used to it now. I used to try to explain myself to others in hopes of getting their approval or acceptance.

Now I live for me. I don’t have to please anyone specifically but myself. Took me a long time to get to this point in my life to say that I do not have to make everyone like me. Of course life is much more fun with people you get along with, however, I now choose who I get along with. It’s called finding my Tribe, those who are like-minded. If someone doesn’t like me, I’m sorry for their loss, for their inability to accept me for who I am. And I move on.

Let’s Explore: Habakkuk 2:2-3 Shows us the Benefits of Writing Down Your Dreams

Let’s look a bit closer at the words themselves and then apply it to today’s world: “Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others”.

So in looking at this in a simplistic way, we are asked to not verbalize our answers, but write them down. Have you ever played a game of Telephone? What you start with is not alway how the message is given to the next person, however, by writing it down, the message will be clear.

Now it goes on to say to do this plainly. It means you do not have to be eloquent and speak with multiple syllable words that most don’t understand the meaning of. Keep it simple.

Stone Tablets

Secondly, the word tablets; well back in biblical times, they used stone tablets. They weigh a lot and could be broken, but it was the best method then. The runner would be expected to handle the tablets carefully. However, we have seen a huge evolution from then and now we have different types of tablets. Some are bound sheets of paper and others are a small electronic device. Both can be used for journaling.

Finally, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. Runners were the first generation of the postal service. Now we place postage stamps on the message or even send it electronically to someone through the internet or using data on our phones.

So why does Habakkuk 2:2 stand out to me today? Because I look at the verse and see it in a more philosophical view. Where by writing it down for our God, the Universe, what ever your higher being is; for our message to be conveyed correctly because sometimes our hearts and heads get the message jumbled up.

Habakkuk 2:3 – The Vision is for a Future Time

I guess when you continue reading Habakkuk, you immediately see an explanation of verse 2 in verse 3. This states: “This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”

Ok now reading Habakkuk 2:2-3 together, a more insightful and manifesting meaning is developing. Whatever we write down is a vision. Something that will happen in the future, but it WILL happen! And WHEN will it happen – when the time is right because it won’t be delayed. We just simply have to write it down. Don’t forget about what you wrote down either. Keep the vision alive. Give Grace and Glory. Express Gratitude for what will be.

WAIT!! I didn’t get you the “secret” 20 word manifestation!!

Ok whew! You stayed. I so appreciate you reading all this. I am hoping you are able to grab on to a few golden nuggets that will allow you to move forward with writing down your Dreams and Goals. Even more so, I pray that you are blessed to achieve what it is you are writing down. Okay, so on to that 20 word manifestation.

Basically the 20 word manifestation is something YOU create. Yes, really. There aren’t any specific for everyone 20 words for manifestation. However by keeping it to about 20 words helps you to be in tune with yourself. You have heard about raising your vibration? Creating your own 20 word manifestation will result in a few things for you.

  • Identify what truly matters.
  • By creating a sentence that states the person’s desires and having it align harmoniously with the universe’s energy is an art.
  • This method will ensure that the focus remains in an unwavering and undiluted intention. Basically you truly mean what you are saying.

How to Start Your Own 20 word Manifestation

  1. Take a deep breath, clear your mind. Relax and focus.
  2. Start with “Thank you” and use the word that identifies most to your belief system (God, Universe, Divine, Buddha, Source, etc)
  3. Now fill in the blanks using one of the following or choose a wording that resonates or relates better to you:
    • I am so grateful now that _________________________ (abundance, success, happiness, peace) comes to me easily and effortlessly on a consistent and every day basis.
    • I don’t know what’s best for me. My _____________________ (ideas, plans, desires) are pale in comparison to what you have in store for me. Please show me the way!
    • I am grateful for our ____________________ (debts being paid in full and on-time, house being sold at top dollar, continued healing and health, etc) and openly receive further abundance.

Making the Most of Writing Down Your Dreams

So in conclusion, when it comes to achieving your dreams, you truly do need to start with writing them down. Be honest with yourself. Keep the motivation for those dreams with commitment and consistency of your actions. I also recommend re-evaluating priorities with your dreams at least every year, but 90 days would be better. We all know how life changes our directions when we least expect it.

You can also help me stay motivated by reading my Dream Bigger page. See what my dreams are right now and visit often to see what dreams I am manifesting at that time as well as seeing my progress.

And as always, We are available for contact regarding this; as well as anything on this Community Information System. See how by clicking here.