Work at Home Jobs & Direct Sales Companies

Work at home jobs are a great way to expand your budget, especially when you join a Direct Sales company.  However there is a stigma that goes along with Direct Sales.  Why is it that you must pour your life into a job that someone else is just paying you for your time?  I believe it is time for everyone to think outside the box.

Network Marketing & Direct Sales has been around for a very long time and there are more work at home jobs popping up.  There are multitudes of companies both corporate-type and Direct Sales, with others in between offering people the opportunity to work at home.

You will always have people tell you it’s a scheme, scam, pyramid.  They just don’t understand how it truly works.  It isn’t even worth our breath to argue or try to enlighten them.  For those of us who are working our businesses, we know and understand the amount of effort and dedication that is requires us for being successful.  It is better to just focus on showing them.

Why Consider Direct Sales VS Part-time Job?

One main reason people choose to join a Direct Sales company as their work at home jobs is that they are working for themselves and not another boss.  They can also expand their budget by scheduling their time around their family life and other jobs.  Receive rewards for your efforts.  And when you choose companies with residual income, you end up getting paid for months, even years for the effort at the beginning of your relationship with each customer.

Growing Up & Having Mom Around

If you grew up as a child of the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s, most of our moms stayed at home with us.  At the same time Dads were working long hours and sometimes weekends.  My own mom stayed home with my brother and I until I went into the 5th grade.  It was the year both he and I rode the bus to school and the little boy mom watched went to school full time.  She wanted something more to do and wanted to continue to help with the budget.

My first recollection of my mom working was as a volunteer at our elementary school.  She was a Busy Bee.  I loved seeing my mom periodically throughout the school week.  Not every day, but many times she was right there.  I don’t think it affected whether I behaved or not, but I think it helped me with confidence in myself to try new things.  Well, except when it came to food.  But that’s a whole different story!

Working For A Paycheck and Benefits

Once my brother and I were riding the bus, Mom got a job a the School District office as receptionist.  Then when we were in Middle School, she was a school secretary at another local middle school.  She also was receptionist at a realtor’s office and then worked in Classified Ads for the local paper and finally, before she was forced to retire due to ALS, an agricultural magazine.  She loved helping people all her life and also never really took life seriously.

I personally have worked outside the home for the same company for the past 25 years.  Our sons only know me as working.  When I first became a mom, I went back to work when our oldest was just 4 weeks old.  At the time, I was working to get the benefits and pay for daycare.  I also wasn’t sure I could handle being at home all day long with our son with no other interaction.  Basically I was immature to be a parent.  I needed others to help raise our son.  We were too far away from family for where we were living.

I feel if things could have been different for us, if I would have been introduced to work at home jobs like I am in now, our sons would have had mom at home more.  To be able to do things.  But that isn’t the plan that was written for us.  Our sons went to various in-home daycare or after school care.  They are very independent in their own life journeys and are often thinking outside the box for jobs.  They are hands on type of young men.  Not really corporate America, but definitely trades related.

Early Direct Sales Companies

My mom was also an avid Avon customer.  This was my first exposure to Direct Sales companies.  The lady that came to our home about once per month was known as Honey or Hon she is also my Dad’s cousin.  I didn’t really pay attention to Hon’s visits to our home growing up as I was not a girly girl.  Give me a pair of shorts and t-shirt and let me be outside.  Now looking back, I know why Hon sold Avon and made a really good living at it.  She had an extremely strong why…her granddaughter Angie lived with her and Hon, being a widow had to find a way to make ends meet and raise Angie.  That means work at home jobs.

I also remember Tupperware and HODA parties.  My mom was always having ladies at our home or going to a neighbor’s home for parties.  We kids never went with, but we loved looking at the “cool” stuff brought home.  Back in the 1970’s and 80’s, it was our moms networking with each other, only the dads called it gossiping.  There was no Facebook or even computers in the homes back then.  They loved the home parties as a way to stay interactive with other adults.

Door-to-Door Salesmen

How many remember Watkins salesmen or the vacuum salesman going door-to-door?  In today’s world, the door-to-door interaction is now using Social Media to open doors instead of the literal front doors of homes.  These aren’t true work at home jobs, but they did offer a certain freedom to those working those jobs.

Facts of Early Established Companies Still Thriving:

  • Avon has been in business for 130 years (Since 1886) – that is 34 years before women had the right to vote!
  • Watkins was established in 1868 in the small town of Plainview, Minnesota, moving in 1876 to Winona, Minnesota.
  • Tupperware began in 1946, with the invention of lightweight plastic non-breakable containers.  Because a certain elegant and audacious woman named, Brownie Wise started home parties, Tupperware has been a well-known income opportunity for women (and men!).
  • Shaklee, although started in 1915, it wasn’t until 1956 that they started manufacturing and selling nutritional supplements and used the MLM platform.

Evolution of Direct Sales Companies

Today there are literally dozens upon dozens of companies that are Direct Sales or Network Marketing.  They keep their main focus on work at home jobs and flexibility to “do it all”.  It is my experience that the general backbone of any given Direct Sales Company is viable.  It is how they continue to evolve that determines whether they stay successful or fall to the way side.  Do they modify their compensation by improving it or do they take away compensations.  Do they stay with their original concept for products or keep recreating the wheel?  Over the years we have seen many companies come and go.  Some treat their affiliates/reps with the ultimate respect and others do not.  We hear things from others within the companies, but many times that information is skewed.

Are You Ready to “Peel the Onion”?

When you are making a step towards joining and starting  work at home jobs, you need to develop your “Why”.  Your “Why” is going to be unique to you.  They say if your “Why” doesn’t make you cry, you didn’t dig deep enough.  I didn’t get this part right away as to how important this it was to truly develop this step.

You need to be able to “peel the onion”.  Grab a notebook and find a quiet area.  Write down your “Why”.  Be sure to give it some deep thought.  Finished?  Okay now looking at your “Why”, ask yourself why.  Why is your “Why” your why.  Write it down.  Now ask yourself why again.  Keep going until you have dug through the layers.  Until you either start crying or the pit in your stomach is heavy.  Make sure you cannot answer “why” any more.  This is your true why.

Example:  My why is so I can replace my income and stay home with my children.

Why?  I want to be the one raising my children, not someone else.

Why?  I feel guilty not being able to spend more time with them.

Why?  I put in a lot of hours at work and am exhausted when I get home.

Why?  I pour my heart into my work and I would rather spend it on my family.

Why? … 

Just keep going until you can’t go on.  Getting too emotional or hit a brain block, come back to it the next day.  You are making a life changing decision and it cannot be made lightly.  Because You and your family deserve the best.  You want the right fit for work at home jobs.

Ask Yourself the Following TEN Direct Sales Questions

Before jumping in because something sounds good or you just “love” the products, according to the website, Money Making Mommy, you should step back at those home parties and ask yourself some questions first.  Remember, this is a business you are buying.

10 Questions:

  • Is there a type of service or product I need or want in my life?
  • Is there a product or service I could talk about enthusiastically for hours?
  • How much money am I willing to invest in a new business?
  • How much time am I willing to dedicate to this business on a daily or weekly basis? (Time Management help)
  • Am I comfortable with working with my own personal (warm) leads? Hosting Parties?
  • Would I prefer online type of business or am I okay with traveling?
  • Am I comfortable with computer work or at least open to learn with assistance?
  • Do I have room I can dedicate for an in-home office?
  • Will I need to collect sales tax for the products? What are my state’s tax laws?
  • Would I be comfortable with sharing my business with others who have an interest in my company?

Every so often I get asked to join other companies and, while I am honored they thought enough of me, I do decline.  I view my work at home jobs as a passion.  One I truly enjoy and would feel a certain emptiness.

Here comes the onion…

The Wine of the Month Club

Why?  I absolutely love my Wine of the Month club!  That is my number one reason – I love the company!  Why?  We have such an amazing group of people.  I have been in other companies and if you weren’t on certain teams or a certain rank, you felt as though you didn’t matter.  Because I have a Full-time job yet, I love that there are so many ways I can work this business and not feel pressure or guilt for not doing any one stream at all times.  The leaders do not care whose team you are on.  If you ask them a question, they will answer it.  Everyone is on the same level.

But Why Wine?

I will admit I wasn’t big on drinking wine preferring a sweet Zin or Muscato when I did.  I actually avoided reds because of an experience when I was younger.  This company has shown me the best way to enjoy wines, both with food and by itself.  It is so easy to learn how to pair food and I am having a ton of fun with recipes and doing wine reviews too! Oh, and reds of all kinds are my favorite!  Every month is something new, a new favorite.

work at home jobs

There are also health benefits to wine.  Come read about a few of the health benefits published in studies. This page will be changing often as I locate additional benefits for enjoying wine.

No Inventory

We also have no inventory.  You buy your own wine and you can share it with others, but you do not stock wine to resell.  We only sell the memberships.  I also know, truly believe, that what I have to offer is something everyone who is able to consume alcohol needs to at least try for 90-120 days.  How awesome is it that my customers can earn their own free wine just like me, but not have to do the business if they don’t want to?

Start-up Costs Reasonable for Work at Home Jobs

When my husband and I decided to jump on board with Our Wine of the Month Club, there was a cost factor we had to consider.  After viewing the presentation at that time, we considered all the options.  While the best choice was a stretch on our budget, we knew it was an investment.  We paid $499.  Now many of you are freaking out on this expense, BUT you are NOT considering the ROI, Return on Investment.  Check out the information here.

My Bonus Income Streams

You already know I also do something additional, this website.  But what you don’t understand is that this is so much more than a website.  It is actually a system.  I won’t go into details on this page, but if you want a taste of what more is being offered in this system and it is actually FREE – go here   I am having the time of my life learning this system, helping others learn the system and promoting my wine page! In fact, I just came back from an earned trip to Punta Cana! Lifetime experiences and bucket list items done.

The Fallout

Promoting another business when you are in more than one Direct Sales company is frowned on industry wide.  You may not be permitted to promote other streams of income on your personal Social Media pages.  I left 2 other companies because I wouldn’t give up my wine.  Threatening emails to shut down my business.  I didn’t care for the tone.  They were more concerned about themselves than me making a go of it the best I can.

But with this RRR247, we are able to promote the wine, blockchain technology, travel inside of blockchain, artisan soaps and more still coming.  Why does it work for us?  Because we are being taught a system.

Final Thoughts on Work at Home Jobs

What ever company you choose for work at home jobs, you need to choose it for you.  Work at home jobs are everywhere, but they require adequate research.  Do not let anyone talk you out of trying a direct sales/networking marketing company.  First, they are not paying your bills and living your life.  Second, unless they are an expert, most opinions are based on half-truths.  Be sure to check out my page – Prepping For Success.  I go over goal-setting and planning.  Continue to watch this page for Motivation and Inspiration methods too.

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