What to Wear Wine Tasting – Mens Edition

What to wear is not usually a dilemma for guys. Most just walk into their closet grab any shirt and pants or shorts and they are comfortable with how they look. However, when it comes to wine tasting and visiting Napa Valley, a little more attention to the attire is recommended for the guys. Let’s keep it simple for the guys and less of a headache for the ladies trying to get them to dress up a bit.

what to wear wine tasting

What to Wear Wine Tasting is Pretty Simple, No Ties Required!

That’s right! Remember a vineyard is just a trussed up farm. Ties are not required. However, chinos, khakis or dress pants are definitely a go to, even nice dress shorts would be good. But leave the jeans and cutoffs and even those “man-pri’s” in the closet. Guys, there are going to be picture opportunities with your lady. Make the event fun for both of you. A great golf shirt or button-down short-sleeve shirt are perfect too. Keep it looking a little more classy than business casual and it will be a great time for everyone!

And just like for the ladies, knowing what to wear while wine tasting, comfortable shoes are a must. No open toe sandals please, this isn’t a beach event. Boat shoes, loafers, even cowboy boots are perfect. The gravel and grassy areas will make standing around chatting with the other guys a little easier. Your conversation will be more focused on the wines and foods you are tasting rather than wishing to be back at the hotel room.

Enjoy the Scenery!

Okay guys, again, your lady is going to want some pictures of you in the vineyard. Not just the scenic ones, but the up close and enchanted kind of pictures. And you know she is going to want to be in just the right spot. Sunset and Sunrise is very romantic, but can also be chillier so bring a jean jacket or even a sport jacket. Not only for some added warmth for you. But perfect shots looking at ease and truly enjoying yourself are what we want.

Now remember, there is food and drink. The drink if spilled can cause a hefty stain, so choose colors that won’t be noticeable if you have a major incident. Picking fabrics that are easy to spot clean would be great, but even greater, having pockets. And be sure to grab one of the stain removing spot sticks for any drips, you never know when the occasion will arise! And for you single guys, you may just impress the right lady! Just saying!

In conclusion, Napa Valley is a very laid back, rural but classy location. There isn’t a true defined dress code; but Uncle Eddie from Vacation is NOT the look you want to bring to a fine establishment or vineyard. Oh and leave the overbearing cologne at home. You don’t have to worry about it breaking in your luggage. In addition, you won’t block the amazing aromas you will experience with the wines.

When you get home and you are looking to perhaps recreate the same atmosphere, you must start with an amazing glass of Napa Wines. Make it easy on yourself and check out our wine club information here!