More Than Muse

Our More Than Muse wines, an exclusive to our Wine of the Month club, are meant to inspire. We want everyone to be an inspiration to those who want to share in friendship and wines. Celebrate the big and small achievements we experience in life.

Whether they are pairing these wines with extravagant foods or simple; a backyard BBQ with long-time family and friends or a fancy gathering.

More than Muse – Inspiration

more than muse

The definition of a muse is one of a spirit or source that inspires an artist. A museum is a building meant as a shrine to muses. We have so much more than inspiring an artist, we want to give inspiration to others to bring out the best in themselves. The 9 Greek Goddesses known as the Muses presided over Song, Poetry, Arts & Sciences.

The spirit of our Wine Club, Wine Ambassadors, reflects the family atmosphere and camaraderie we have here. We cheer everyone on in pursuing their dreams in owning their own time. Our inspiring leadership in the wine club is looking not only to empower women to grow themselves in self-love as well as professionally. In so much as we also want to cheer on the men who offer their support in all that women are achieving. And they lead by example every single day.

First Wine Release

When the first wine of the More than Muse started shipping to us, we were excited. Okay, some of us were extremely excited! WHY? Because you see, most of our wines are either Red or White. This one is a Rose and while we love having a Rose in our club, even more so it is showing a unity between wine consumers of Red & White wine. Many of our customers have been begging for a sweet wine and this one is amazing. It allows you to have a variety of foods, can be enjoyed as a pre-meal drink, after dinner drink and everything in between.

More than just a Club – New Plan B

When you become a member of our club, it becomes more than just wine arriving at your door every month. The benefits of being a member means you are part of our family too. You can earn free wine by sharing your experiences with friends, family, or anyone really. Come learn more about our wine club and making it your Plan B.

Webinar Registration

Or maybe you are looking for a means for making extra income. This was my Plan B and it is now part of my Plan A. You see in just over 2 years, I have quit my full-time job and have this amazing opportunity replacing my income! I love the freedom I have now where I work when I want to. Being able to own my own time. I no longer trade my time for a paycheck. Receiving pay from my actions – sharing what we do with others, bringing customers together with all the offers of products and services. Why not look into all that we have here!