Achieving Goals, Taking Action and Climbing Walls

Achieving goals because you took action with a plan will keep your walls easier to climb. Expectations are set. Life is happier because you know where you are going. No looking back and no regrets. When people fail to achieve goals it is because they have a fear of climbing a wall. The wall in their own minds. With just a few simple steps these goals are not just achievable but done more quickly than you thought they could happen.

achieving goals working as a marketer

Have you ever thought…”I’d like to do that, but…”. Or perhaps you wondered out loud why some one does an action, but deep down you are cheering them on because they at least tried it?

This is YOUR wall.  You are building it.  It is time to tear it down and climb over them.  Maybe just brick by brick or even sections at a time.  The pace it happens isn’t crucial,  it’s the action that you take that is.

Creating the Action Plan for Achieving Goals

When it comes to achieving goals the biggest factor in whether you succeed is all in the planning. We need to write it down. Then we need to break it down into smaller steps. Sounds simple enough but then why do people not plan. Their wall may be too big in their eyes and they are not breaking it down enough.

Goal Setting Steps – Breaking It All Down

  • The first step in Goal setting is to figure out your ultimate goal. What is it you really want to accomplish? If you don’t know then you have some hard work ahead of you.
  • Alright you have your Goal. Write it down. Seriously. Get a notebook and write it down.
  • Then let’s think about how you will achieve this goal. Basically what needs to happen in order for the goal to be achieved. There is no right or wrong quantity of steps, but you do need to write them down.
  • Next take a look at the first step, can it be broken down into even smaller steps? If so, do it, write them down. Do this for every one. Keep breaking them down, like peeling the onion layers until you can’t go any further.
  • Now go back and determine a deadline date for each step. Make it realistic. When do you honestly feel you can get that achieved? No one else but maybe your significant other will be able to tell you what this should be. Do not give yourself too much time. Make it a little stringent so that you are having to step outside your comfort zone to get it done. Work your way through all of them.
  • When you have that done bring out your planner or calendar. This is also non-negotiable, a must-have. If you don’t have the plan in front of you what is the purpose of doing it? How else will you track that you did this with everything else you have going? And busy people make the BEST goal achievers!

Additional Tips for Achieving Goals

achieving goals

One of the best things I was ever shown in Network Marketing was doing a daily list. We called it a “6 List”. This list had 6 specific actions we needed to do for our business. Not the kids, not the spouse, not the house. The business. And they needed to be money-making actions. No time wasting permitted.

An example of my 6 list:
  1. Send out 40 texts minimum – this is our Lead Generation activity we do in PBS.
  2. Modify 2 offer pages/articles.
  3. Follow-up with (and I list specific people I need to follow-up with).
  4. Post ads on online sites to generate traffic for 1 hour.
  5. While on Inbounds – get at least 2 per hour that will be great partners with PBS.
  6. Spend 20 minutes reading “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” – this is my current book I am reading and I highly recommend it to everyone.

I also wake up every morning and purposely put my mindset in a positive tone. To do this I spend time reading a daily Bible plan, sometimes 2. Then I search for positive memes that I can share with my team. I did this when I had no team! They were saved on my phone. It really makes a difference because then throughout the day I have those I saved as quick pick-me-ups for stressing times at my full-time job.

Achieving Goals in Personal Fitness

Maybe you want to do a multi day hike, start making plans for it.  Baby steps, not a marathon. Make a list of equipment.  Start getting in better condition by doing shorter walks around the neighborhood.  Then short day hikes in a local park.  Now do it several says in a row with tougher terrain.  You body will thank you and your mindset will be “unstoppable!”.

Another step in the direction to achieving goals in your personal fitness is looking at health and wellness products like vitamins and other supplements. Understand there is a lot out there with different companies and brands and it becomes a personal preference. However before you start taking any products you need to know what your goal is. Are you just needing better sleep or halting the cravings? Maybe you need to boost your immune system. You need to figure out a plan of actions to take to reach your goals. I can help you with that! (yes, shameless plug, but you know you are going to go look here).

Taking on Tasks Outside Your Comfort Zone

This is opening a can of worms I am sure. It’s where something breaks either in the home or car and the wife is wanting to call a “professional” and the husband thinks he is Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor. Let’s stop a minute and treat this like a goal we want to achieve. I recently did this with changing out the battery on my Durango – you can read about it HERE!

And just a few weeks ago my task was way outside my comfort zone when my alternator malfunctioned. Now I do not wish my experience with that on anyone. That is where the steps got gone through quickly. I called a tow truck (covered by insurance) and had it towed to the dealership who got to deal with it. My total cost ended up being $45. My goal was to keep this inside my budget as much as possible without getting a new vehicle. This Momma Mechanic knows when things are better left to someone else. In this case there was a major safety recall on the alternator but no remedy was immediately available so I continued to drive. Unfortunately I should have read page two where they clearly stated “May cause an accident or fire”.

Avoiding Roadblocks in Travel Planning


Let’s go on a vacation!  When should we go? Where do you want to go?  What kind of accommodations do you want?  What do you want to do? Better get a trip planner, maybe some maps or even a nice atlas. Dream a little. Research the area you want to go to. Look for sites that are off the main roads. Sometimes really “seeing” America or other places that are not catering to the tourists are more fun to visit. Goal setting with vacations isn’t always necessary, but if everyone is on the same page of what each wants to do things turn out for the better.

Achieving Goals in Your Business

Maybe you need to expand your budget or want to change jobs, or even more, you want to be your own boss?  How do you figure out what you want?  You need to explore your heart.  Don’t just use your brain, you led with your heart on all the other things above. Why do it differently now? You didn’t put a lot of extra thought in it upfront.  What do you like to do?  Do you like helping other people realize their dreams?  What are you good at? Keep an open mindset on opportunities.   When you start saying no, stop.  You have no idea where your talents will lead you.

Achieving Goals I Didn’t Even Plan For!

Did I ever think I would be managing a website on my own, blogging and writing articles?  NEVER!  But I do like teaching.  I got my first taste as a faith formation volunteer and then Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader.  When those boys realized they understood or could do what we were doing at any given moment, a lightbulb went off for them.  It drove me harder to teach them things.  People didn’t understand why I did so much.  It was growing me from the inside out.  Realizing by pouring myself into others, I was pouring back into myself. PBS is my home.

UPDATE September 22, 2020.

Here we are in the midst of month 6 of a pandemic. What a year 2020 has turned out to be! Oh wait? Has your year been “the worst ever”? I am so sorry to hear that. You see, ours has been incredible! And it all started because of a notebook! YES! A notebook! One that states right on the cover: Dream..Plan..Do..

Let’s back up to January shall we? This is the first time I made my husband (would have thought it was torture!) participate in the creating and putting down in writing our Gooals.

  1. Stacy to quit job to grow this business – ACCOMPLISHED May 29, 2020!!
  2. Sell our home quickly and for top dollar – Sold on Day 2 of being listed and almost 10% over list price!!
  3. Reduce our possessions through de-cluttering by 40% – Knowing how full our house was, we achieved this too!
  4. Relocate to Texas to be there for Mom – Guess what? WE ARE IN TEXAS!!
  5. Find a home in Mission/McAllen area – We found one! Better yet is that we will be just 7 minutes from his mom so we can help her stay independent in her own home.
  6. David to get a job making at least $50k/year. – Out of the 6 goals, this is literally the last one to be done, but you know what? He is now also helping me work this business! And now he has 2 interviews this week! Update 9-28-21 – David got one of the jobs and started in July. He loves what he does! Whoot Whoot!

So how big is your wall?  Ready to start climbing it? Are you staying open-minded to what you REALLY want to get in the long-term AND the short-term? Perhaps you are looking for an opportunity like I have. I would love to share it with you. Let’s set some goals together!