Potatoes on the Grill – Super Tators

Potatoes on the grill become Super Tators!  Summertime in Minnesota means grilling our food outdoors as much as possible.  We have been known to grill outdoors in winter because we crave the foods.  Just like in summer, we will grill a frozen pizza because we can!  Now you have been reading about all the different meats you can grill, marinade, whatever.  But you need a good standby side dish that is easy and the kids love!

I hereby give you my Mom’s Super Tator Recipe:

potatoes on the grill

Super Tators Recipe

If you have never had Super Tators or potatoes on the grill ever, you have been missing out.


Red Potatoes chunked up – enough to feed your crew
Onion – We prefer 1/2 a Vidalia for it’s sweetness, chopped up
Bacon – Uncooked, 2 strips per person cut up
Seasonings – We prefer seasonings that you are using on the meat you are cooking.
Butter – chunked up in 1/2 Tbsp slices and spread out over and under the potatoes

Using tinfoil, place some of the bacon and butter first, then a single layer of potatoes with onions, sprinkle the seasoning, then more bacon and butter.  Repeat this layering until your potatoes and onions are placed and bacon and butter on top.  The bacon and butter help prevent the potatoes from sticking to the tinfoil.

Place potatoes on the grill on high heat, if cooking with the meat adjust temperature, allow for at least 30 minutes for the potatoes maybe even an hour.  Depends on how many layers of potatoes.  1-2 layers: 30 minutes, 3-4: 45 minutes.  Remember you are grilling so this isn’t a definite process.  Put another layer of tinfoil on top and seal the two layers of tinfoil to each other to create a pillow.   Place on grill.

Potatoes on the Grill Become Super Tators!

Potatoes are typically ready with the tinfoil expands.  If not expanding, you didn’t seal the tinfoil well enough.  No dish needed to serve, just open the tinfoil and have a spoon ready!  We like to top our potatoes with either ketchup or sour cream (preferably Top the Tator, but we know that is hard to get outside the Midwest!).  Be sure to keep your favorite Club Wine nearby to keep you refreshed while grilling!  If you need some amazing fine premium wines, go check out the next link below!

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